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I Am Doing a NEW Thing

Today I ran for the first time in over a year.  And before that, I starting running briefly for the first time in two years. Believe it or not, I used to be a lot more consistent. I've always loved running, but around the time I quit the first time (almost four years ago to the day), I had started to develop some knee pain, which was attributed to some underlying hip/lower back muscle imbalances that I had developed from advancing my distance to aggressively. This was about two months prior to my first big race - a half marathon I had been training for all winter with some close friends. I was devastated when I was told to stop running, and had a hard time getting excited about other forms of aerobic activity, so eventually I just gave up on regular exercise altogether. Looking back, it's not a great excuse for stopping activity altogether, but in the context of my other life stressors and priorities, I allowed it to happen. Then about a year ago, a physiotherapist told m
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Paw Patrol Bandaids

Everything is better in pediatrics. Maybe that's my bias come out, but honestly I think medicine for little people is generally better. Let me give you an example:  Adult with a cold? Gross - get a tissue. Don't infect me. Little baby with a cold? Oh so cute! Let me suck your boogers out with a special little instrument designed specifically for the purpose! But still don't infect me (I'm a pediatrics resident, guys, I don't have a death wish!). I've been thinking about this lately because I spent the last month working with the surgery department at my hospital, and it has been so much more fun than adult surgery! Long hours? Yes. Sore feet from the operating room? Double yes. Not exactly my forte, as a medical resident in a surgical group? Yes again. But the patients are really adorable, and sometimes I get to prescribe popsicles. And one of the surgeons asks every child before they have their surgery what type of band-aid they want. Twe

Airing My Zits in Public

Dear Friend, Today I woke up at work, not for the first time - more than a little groggy, and aware that I still need to perfect my overnight bag for days when my shift keeps me there until morning. On such days, I almost never put on make-up. It's not really a big deal, but sometimes it feels like it actually is. As a resident, there's a lot of opportunity to appraise yourself, and after a night on the wards with less than optimal sleep and plenty of decisions that had to be made and potentially some tough situations that had to be navigated, or anxious and sometimes irate parents that had to be met with...sometimes after those nights, my ability to appraise the significance of a few facial blemishes is...shall I say skewed? Last night really wasn't too bad at all actually. I slept five hours, which is almost unheard of, so it was just my usual personal insecurities that I had to tackle as I looked in the mirror, grateful to have remembered my toothbrush but irked at t

Your Promise Gives Me Life

"I remember Your word to Your servant, in which you have made me hope. This is my comfort in my affliction, that Your promise gives me life." Psalm 119:49-50 Your Promise Gives Me Life That's quite a revelation isn't it?  I'm not sure why, but that simple phrase struck me this week in a new way. I think every time I've read it in the past, I thought about how Jesus' promise to be my savior gives me life in the spiritual sense. Or I've thought about how the promise of God over my life (the dreams I believe He's put in my heart or the promises through scripture about what God has in store for those surrendered to Him) give me purpose and drive to pursue them. I'm no theologian, but I'm pretty sure these are both fair applications to take away from reading this verse. Reading it this time, however, something else stood out to me - something that is probably not anything new or noteworthy when it comes to revelation around

Things I Love...Friday?

Hi All! I don't have tons to say, but I have this overwhelming urge to express myself and you get the honour of being my outlet today! :) I saw a blog once where the writer had a 'Things I Love Thursday' segment and I thought the title was awesomely alliterative. Now, I am aware that today is Friday, but in my defense, I started to write this yesterday so I think this post is still valid! No promises that it becomes a weekly tradition, but - then again - no promises that it won't either! So what are some things that I love? I love having a home to call my own. Something awakened in me when I moved into my little basement suite. It's nothing big or fancy, but it's my home; a place where I get to cook and clean and live - where everything has its place because I put it there. I love that sense of ownership. I love that I have a fish. he's red and his name is Eric The Red and he's lovely. He nearly gave me a heart attack when I came

My Story

Lately my pastor has been talking about the importance of telling your story. We all have a story to tell, and when we take the time to really look at our stories, I think we would all find a similar theme: God's undying love working in the lives of humanity. It looks different in the life of every person, but He's there to be found if you search for him. All that to say, I thought perhaps it might be time to tell my story... I grew up with two parents who loved each other - as well as my sister and I - very deeply, who were both integrally involved in my upbringing, and who were able to provide for all of my needs during even the tightest and most strained seasons of our lives as a young family. Mom and Dad put Jenny and I through private education at our local church's school where we enjoyed the opportunity to have meaningful relationships with our teachers and with spiritual leaders. I always had someone to turn to, be it for help with my friendships, homework, or r

Life in the Waiting

They say that your character isn't made in the big moments of life - it's simply revealed in them. They say, rather, that your character is made in the little everyday, mundane, nothing moments: how do you treat your cat? What do you do in a minor ethical dilemma at the office? Who does your landlord say that you are? I don't have a cat, I'm still in school, and I live with my parents. Don't get me wrong - this is one hundred percent NOT a complaint! I've got a lot going on, and I am totally fulfilled, but this is a season of preparation and that means that a lot of the dreams and goals in life right now are like a plane in a holding pattern. I'm about to take off and soar into the unknown, but in the meantime, even the little everyday, mundane, nothing moments aren't what they'll be once I'm airborne. For now, my Life is in the Waiting. So who will I be in the waiting? Fearful?      Anxious?      Doubting?      Bitter?     What about a